Webjet Group Demerger: Webjet Group Limited commenced trading on the ASX on 23 September, and have launched their Investor Centre, which we encourage you to visit the site and save the link in your favourites. Webjet Group Investor Centre


We are committed to creating sustainable earnings and capital growth.

We are committed to creating sustainable earnings and capital growth for our shareholders and to support all our stakeholders including employees, suppliers, customers and the communities that we serve.

Our Approach to Sustainability.

As a global organisation with businesses in multiple countries, strong corporate governance, reducing our impact through sustainable business practices, providing a great place to work for our people and making a positive and impactful contribution to our customers’ lives, and the economies and communities in which we operate, are a key focus. 

Our approach to sustainability details how we are working to integrate sustainability throughout our business and our approach and commitment to key sustainability-related topics.

Our Sustainability Report reflects the Webjet Limited's management and performance on key environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics identified as material to the business and our stakeholders.

For a more complete understanding of the business context, we recommend our Sustainability Report be read in tandem with the Webjet Limited Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement, Modern Slavery Statement and the various Board Charters and corporate policies all of which are available within this website.

Webjet Limited is a Carbonzero Certified organisation.

In 2022 we began the process to measure our baseline carbon emissions – in particular scope 1 and 2 emissions – and committed to creating an emissions reduction pathway to deliver a net zero carbon emissions target. 

As a result of this work the Webjet Limited group is now a Toitū ‘net carbonzero’ certified organisation, and are part of a collective of organisations leading the way to a low carbon future.

The Toitu Net Carbonzero Certification annual cycle sustains a journey of continual reduction.

Our sustainability report.

Recalibrating environmental, social and governance topics material to our business.

Our Sustainability Report aims to expand on the key drivers of our business from an ESG perspective. In FY23 we refreshed and deepened our understanding of our material topics to identify the key sustainability topics impacting our business. We see this as the first step in developing a materiality matrix that will allow us to better prioritise initiatives.

This year our primary focus was on recalibrating the environmental, social and governance topics we believe are most material to our business and our stakeholders. We are also starting work on our roadmap toward adopting the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations.

2024 Sustainability Report.

You can download or view our 2024 Sustainability Report here. Previous versions can be found on our ASX Releases page.

FY23 Focus

Identifying our material sustainability topics.

In FY23 Webjet Limited undertook a detailed desktop review with assistance from an external advisor.

This involved:

  • Reviewing global and industry ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) risks and trends, as well as reporting frameworks
  • Undertaking a review of peer ESG sustainability reporting
  • Reviewing investor, proxy advisor and ESG rating agency perspectives
  • Considering a range of other stakeholder influences including government, regulators and customers

We also engaged with key shareholders and employees to understand their perspectives on areas of focus. We narrowed down to the following key material topics, which we have grouped into four main categories.

Material Topic

Employee engagement and development

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

Webjet Limited’s performance is highly dependent on our ability to attract and retain talent, particularly key personnel. High turnover and loss of key staff could impact our operating and financial performance.

Material Topic

Diversity and inclusion

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

We believe embracing diversity enhances work culture and drives business success.

Material Topic

Employee wellbeing

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

Having a motivated and engaged workforce is important to delivering on our strategies. Looking after our employees’ health and wellbeing is an important element of that.

Material Topic

Customer engagement and satisfaction

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

As customer service businesses, Webjet Limited’s businesses are in part dependent on customer satisfaction and loyalty. As well as being able to attract new customers, having strong repeat business is important to the ongoing performance of the Company.

Material Topic

Climate change risk

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

We recognise the increasing risks associated with a changing climate, including to the travel industry, and believe all organisations have a role to play in helping reduce carbon emissions and minimising their environmental footprint.

Material Topic

Sustainable and responsible travel

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

We believe we have a role to play in promoting environmentally responsible and sustainable travel. Being able to offer products that help address changing consumer sentiment and/or preferences for more sustainable and responsible travel products can also help improve our financial performance.

Material Topic

Business ethics and corporate governance

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

Webjet Limited is committed to maintaining ethical standards in the conduct of its business activities and strongly believes that its reputation as an ethical business organisation is important to its ongoing success.

Material Topic

Data privacy and security

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

As a digital travel company, Webjet Limited relies on the security of its website, payment and data management systems, and protection of the personal information of our customers. Maintaining best practice governance when it comes to data privacy and security is key to preventing security or privacy breaches (through cyber-attack or otherwise) which have the potential to impact customer satisfaction and confidence, as well as the operational and financial performance of the company.

Material Topic

Responsible supply chain management (modern slavery)

Why this is important to the Webjet Group

We recognise modern slavery is a growing global issue and are committed to ensuring high standards of governance to minimise modern slavery risks and improve ethical standards within our business and across our supply chains.

Our sustainability framework

The four key areas.

We have taken these topics and refined our categories and updated our sustainability framework to focus on four key areas:

We are still in the early stages of our sustainability journey and we look forward to continuing to evolve our approach and reporting.

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Engaging our People

Maintaining and growing a highly engaged workforce.

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Servicing our Customers

Delivering quality customer service to our customers.

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Reducing our Impact

Reducing our operational impact on the environment.

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Responsible Governance

Maintaining ethical corporate governance processes.

This information in this section is an extract from our Sustainability Report.

We invite you to review this document in full, in tandem with the Webjet Limited Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement, Modern Slavery Statement and the various Board Charters and corporate policies, all of which are available within this site.

Sustainability News

Sustainability News.

nws img 1hero 05 24 2023 FY23 Sustainability Report

24 May, 2023

FY23 Sustainability Report.

This report reflects Webjet Limited’s management and performance on key environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics identified as material to the business and our stakeholders.

View all Sustainability news
hm img ft 404 Mar24 v3

The Web Travel Group is proud to support 40:40 Vision to achieve gender balance in senior leadership by 2030.

hm img ft BeCause Sep24

WebBeds partners with BeCause – a sustainability technology start-up transforming how companies in travel manage their sustainability data – to scale up the number of properties tagged as ‘eco-certified’ on WebBeds booking platforms.

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Web Travel Group Limited

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